Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Release Day!!!!


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What do the words ‘writer’s block’ mean to you?

Incapable of reaching my pre-stories embedded inside my brain


Do you read your book reviews? If yes, how do you process negative reviews?

Hell no! Not anymore. After reading a harsh review that had nothing to do with my book, I decided I’m healthier by not reading.

If you could time travel, would you go back or forward in time?

Back in time, for sure

In one word, describe yourself.


Do you find yourself getting emotional when you write? Is there a scene that sticks out as being the most emotional to write?

Yes. Many times I cry and laugh.

What are you working on now? Can you give us a sneak peek?

My book All Cowboy & August is released today!


Here is a sneak peek

A flush shimmied through her weakened limbs and she swore she heard thunder outside. Or maybe that was her heart. “Can we please not mention his name ever again?” She took the keycard from him and dropped it next to his hat followed by her purse.

“Fine by me.” He grabbed the bottle and read the label. “I could use a taste. How about you?”

“Just a touch will do. I hope you don’t mind paper cups.” She watched him pop the lid. He wrapped his wide fingers around the neck of the bottle and brought it to his lips, taking a long swig.

“Or that’ll work too.” He held out the bottle and she sipped, squinting as the fire of the alcohol burned down her esophagus and settled into a puddle of warmth in her belly. She wasn’t much of a whiskey drinker but tonight she’d make an exception. She took another long drink and the sting wasn’t as strong.

He chuckled and scratched his beard. “Pace yourself, darlin’.”

“Don’t worry about me. I can handle myself.” She looked at him through the fringe of her lashes.

He leaned against the edge of the dresser, savoring her with those alluring eyes, looking mighty fine. “Dusty’s an interesting name for a girl. Is that a nickname?”

“I guess my dad wanted a boy, but instead he got me.” She set the bottle down, cleared a spot on the desk then lifted herself up to sit.

“I have a feeling you gave your dad a run for his money.” One thick brow popped up over those twinkling eyes.

“I certainly surprised him a time or two. He was your traditional male role model. You know the type. A penis makes you a man and a vagina makes you good with your hands in the kitchen.” She lifted the bottle, taking another nip, starting to feel very relaxed.

“Do you cook?”

“Does boiling water count?” She wiped the back of her hand across her lips. “I’m not much for cooking or baking, but then, I never tried. I was a bit rebellious.”

“Oh, you had something to prove, huh? Always doing the complete opposite of what was expected of you.”

 “A woman can do anything a man can do, sometimes better.” She crossed her legs and leaned back on her hands. “I haven’t ever needed a man, except for one thing.” Did she hear a low growl from him when she pointedly dropped her gaze to his zipper?

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