Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Writing habits.

When I sit down to write I like complete silence. No tv. No music. No noise...and especially no talking. This is how I work best. But having two young children and a cat and dog, this can be a difficult task.  Another issue I have--setting a number of words a day. Once upon a time I'd sit down, laptop at hand and type away until my eyes crossed. I was finding though that on some days I didn't have enough motivation and my writing would pay. Let's face it--working at home takes dicipline and I needed a good jolt of scheduling. So, now, each day as I sit down I set a goal for myself. Not each day requires the same amount of words, but there is something rewarding about setting an amount and meeting it--an incentive. I don't set strict goals for myself because in turn, if the goal isn't met, I am bummed--not good for the writing ego.

I am always curious where writers write. For myself, I like the freedom of choosing a different location--one that fits the mood. One day I hope to have a screened room where I can sit in the morning and ponder over my latest romance while I listen to the birds chirping, watching the sun rise--offering a new day of possibility.

For some writers, music is an inspiration. Heavy metal, soft rock, classical...take your pick. Some like to have a movie playing. Others may have a certain time of day when they're most creative.

How do writers write?


  1. Depending on what I'm writing I like to have noise. If I'm struggling with a love scene or a tender moment, a little Luther Vandross or Barry White goes a long way to setting the mood. During editing I prefer silence, but husband and teenagers make that impossible

  2. What is this silence you speak of? I would like to have some -- in fact I'm so desperate, I'd be willing to buy some!
    Kids, dogs, cats, husband . . .life. I too find a rigid writing schedule is impossible.

  3. I sneak off to the office upstairs after dinner and baby is asleep. With the kiddo asleep, I typically keep it quiet, so he doesn't wake up. My main obstacle is the internet. I should challenge myself to give it up for a week and just write.

  4. I need noise. After years of working in newsrooms, silence distracts me. By concentrating on blocking the noise, it allows me to focus on what I'm writing.

  5. The internet is an obstacle for me, too. FB is an evil...lol

  6. I need my playlist playing low in the background. I have different songs per scene for my WIP. I'm writing revisions at the moment, but still use the music.

    The major "problem" I must face, daily, is FBk & Twitter. I feel like there should be a voice coming over a bullhorn: "Step away from the social media. I know you find camaraderie there, but it sucks up your time and writing brain cells! Step away!" LOL ;-)

  7. Haha...I am the same way with FB. However, let's not be too hard on ourself. We have to market to sell, so, FB is a great networking tool. That is where my weakness is...marketing. That should be my next blog...
