Sunday, December 2, 2012

Sexy Days of Christmas

The countdown to Christmas is on. Here are some things we love about the Holiday...with a twist.

1. Eggnog. There's just something sinful about the rich, creamy taste and the scent of nutmeg that sings Christmas with every sip. I happen to love eggnog, but it contains about 500 calories per glass (I may be embellishing a bit). Here's an idea: Pour you and your honey a half glass and then whisper into his ear, "I need to work off the calories. Any ideas?" I'm sure something will pop up.

2. Candy Canes. Did you know that most men love minty kisses? Just off the top of my head I can think of a dozen seductive things to do with the candy, but the simplest is licking the red off the white. Do you get where I'm heading? And the bonus is how tasty your lips will be when he kisses you. If you're stumped on ideas...try using the tip of a wet cane as a paintbrush on your lover's body. Clean up requires lots of licking.

3. Wine. Our nerves are frenzied from all of the shopping and chaos. So if you find yourself hitting the bottle a little more than usual, and leaning toward slush...why not light up the fireplace and share a glass with your honey? The combination of the warmth of the fire and the relaxing element of the wine will heat up the scene in other ways. And sex, my friends, is the greatest stress reliever. Not only is this a mental boost, but it also brings two people together when they've probably been very busy and neglecting one another.

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